Wangqing County Qianwang Under Forest Breeding Co.,Ltd.
2 Premios
Good Egg Production Award
Región: China
Categoría: 5 estrellas
Estado: Política actual
Good Egg Production Award
Región: China
Categoría: 4 estrellas
Estado: Política actual
2018 UPGRADE 5 Star Good Egg Production Award for meeting the following criteria.
- Basic requirements (including cage free and provision of nest boxes) - Current policy
- Indoor environmental enrichment - Current policy
- Increased space allowance (free range environment) - Current policy
- No beak trimming - Current policy
- Breed (Use of a dual purpose breed) - Current policy
Wangqing Qianwang Under Forest Breeding Co.,Ltd. rears a local dual purpose breed in an open environment where birds have all day round access to the range. The farm is located in the mountains with forest coverage rate as high as 90% and a forest range area of 260,000 m2. All birds have access to the free-range system for up to 8 months. Wangqing Qianwang Under Forest Breeding Co.,Ltd. were awarded a 4* award in 2017 for rearing a dual purpose breed of hen without beak trimming. They have extended their rearing facilities and adjusted management practices to further improve the welfare of their birds and have achieved an upgraded award of 5* in 2018.
2017 4 Star Good Egg Production Award for meeting the following criteria:
- Basic requirements (including cage free and provision of nest boxes) - Current policy
- Increased space allowance (free range environment) - Current policy
- No beak trimming - Current policy
- Use of a dual purpose breed - Current policy
Wangqing Qianwang Underforest Breeding Co.,Ltd. rear a local dual purpose breed in an open environment where birds have all day round access to the range. The farm is located in the mountains with forest coverage rate as high as 90% and a forest range area of 260,000㎡. All birds have access to the free-range system for up to 8 months.