The Traditional Cheese Dairy Ltd
Empresas de alimentació y hostelería
1 Premios
Mención Mejor Leche - Vacas lecheras
Región: Reino Unido
Categoría: Cheese
Estado: Política actual
"As a family we feel it very important to keep farming traditional. Forcing animals to live in unnatural environments is not only cruel and bad for their health, but it's also very bad for ours too. Cows belong in fields, scratching on trees, forming herd mates grazing the meadows, getting the nourishment they need to stay fit and healthy.
At The Traditional Cheese Dairy we believe that goodness comes from the ground, this is why, along of course with our love for animals, the reason why we only buy milk from farms where the animals are allowed to graze for as many months as the weather will permit.
This award will help to bring about much needed awareness on the importance of healthy, happy farm animals."
Rebecca Dyball, Owner